Compostable Organics out of Landfills by 2012

As communities work to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, the first place they should look is their garbage can.


Compostable Organics out of Landfills by 2012

The GrassRoots Recycling Network and BioCycle are launching a national campaign that makes the connection between Global Climate Change, the Zero Waste Communities movement, and Sustainable Agriculture.

The Problem: Biodegradable materials such as paper products, food scraps and yard trimmings amount to half of the nation’s discarded resources. The methane generated by these decomposing materials has become the number one source of man-made methane – and a major player in climate change.

Meanwhile back on the farm, simply by keeping compostable organics out of landfills, we can prevent potent methane emissions and build healthier soils. These in turn replenish carbon stocks and support sustainable agriculture and healthier foods for our population.

In short, we want to turn a climate problem into a soil solution: “The technology exists, the need is certain and the time to act is NOW.”

Visit to read more abou the COOL2012 Campaign.