GRRN National Zero Waste Action Conference 2011

Learn Globally; Act Locally

San Diego, CA – July 30, 2011
San Diego Urban Corps, near Old Town San Diego

Co-sponsored by: California Resource Recovery Association, Zero Waste International Alliance,
Sierra Club National Zero Waste Team
, CRRA Global Recycling Council,
Zero Waste San Diego, San Diego Urban Corps

Slide Show of Co-Sponsors – ppt

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Compostable Organics out of Landfills by 2012

As communities work to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, the first place they should look is their garbage can.


Compostable Organics out of Landfills by 2012

The GrassRoots Recycling Network and BioCycle are launching a national campaign that makes the connection between Global Climate Change, the Zero Waste Communities movement, and Sustainable Agriculture.

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